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Brooke Sanders

Gift of Love Reborn & Silicone Nursery

Hi, I am Brooke from Gift of Love Reborn and Silicone Nursery. I have Always LOVE Babies, when I came across Reborning in 2012 it amazed me how realistic these dolls looked.I actually thought at one stage people were selling real babies on ebay..... LOL. I was so intrigued to find out more I decided to order a reborn.After a few months I wanted to give reborning ago. I can say my first few dolls were not great but after several months could see progress.Looking back I am very happy I tried reborning, it gives me comfort and pleasure. I Also like that its helping others as Therapy Dolls. I have learnt a lot with this art in 10 years and made several friends. I Offer custom Orders with Upfront Deposit & flexible Payment plans

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Brooke Sanders
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