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This ticket entitles one adult to attend the Dolls and Delights evening at 4pm onwards on Saturday 14th October 2023.
This ticket includes, afternoon tea, raffle and prize draw entries, games and fun! 

Dolls and Delights Evening (Adult)

  • The evening will begin at 4pm where tou will arrive, find your seats and table gifts and have some time to chat! Food will be served buffet style from about 5pm and you can eat as much as you like, and tea and coffee will be flowing. 
    Alcoholic drinks can be brought in from the bar if required! 

    The structure of the afternoon will be informal but we will play games, win prizes eat food, and catch up with all our dolly friends! 

    Included in your ticket will be the afternoon tea, entry into the raffles, draws and games, table gifts and lots of fun.

    If you would like to join in the baby shower gift exchange, please bring along a gift of all new items, of a value of about £15. You will deposit your gift on the gift table in exchange for a raffle ticket, and will be able to choose a gift when your number is called! 

    There will be the opportunity to purchase additional tickets for our main raffle, but entry to the games, and the grande prize baby is included in your ticket. 

    More information will be available in due course!! 

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