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Nottingham DoubleTree by Hilton ​
15th March 2020
Opening times: ​
- 9.00am VIP ticket registrations​
- 9.30am VIP ticket holder entry
- 10.30am General entry
- 4.00pm show closes​
- Adults: £4.50
- Pensioners: £3.50
- Children 4-12: £1.50
- Children 3 and under, free
The DoubleTree Hilton hotel in Nottingham is one of our new venues for 2017
DoubleTree By Hilton
Nottingham Gateway
Nuthall Road,
NG8 6AZ,
United Kingdom
The hotel is situated on the A610, 3 miles from Nottingham City Centre, 1 mile from Junction 26 of the M1 motorway.
For satellite navigation systems our post code is: NG8 6AZ.
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