Show cancellations 2020 - Covid - 19
After careful consideration and further talks with our venues, we have taken the difficult decision to cancel The Doll Show live events for the remainder of 2020.
There are numerous reasons we have chosen to do this but the main reasons are as follows:
Continual changes of guidelines meaning we are still unable to formulate concrete plans.
Numbers of both vendors and visitors who are still shielding or feel unable to attend the events due to the pandemic.
Any issue which may occur post event if one of the vendors or visitors has a positive Covid-19 test in the 10 days following a live event
The investment needed to implement all the safety precautions, and the changes in procedure, coupled with the lower income through decreased vendor and visitor number
The significant change in environment with the wearing of masks and face shields, limited touching of merchandise, limited numbers in the halls and the one way system
The removal of some of the major components which make the doll shows what they are, for example no prams in the venue, no hand out “gifts” to the VIP guests, limited catering and limited social space.
As I am the sole organiser, I have no fall back plan if I am exposed to or contract Covid19 or am experiencing any symptoms and am isolating over any of the show dates. This is particularly difficult as we will be in winter flu season where “symptoms” are common even though they may not be CV19.
The potential of a second wave and the need to cancel anyway despite all the hard work and investment.
Where possible we have rescheduled the shows to their usual dates in 2021, with the two day show, complete with baby shower and evening meal being held in June as originally planned.
All current stand bookings will be automatically rolled over to the 2021 dates, but anyone who wishes to relinquish their space and receive a refund will need to contact me.
I will be compiling a list of those who want refunds and I will be issuing them on a rolling basis over the next few months.
If you cancel for a refund, you will be able to re apply at a later date, although we can’t guarantee your location within the show, and in the case of the more popular shows such as Peterborough and Basildon, we will look to sell cancelled spaces to people on our waiting list a soon as possible.
Please note we are NOT currently taking new bookings for 2021 until we have worked out the new pricing structure. We have been advised by the hotels that costs will go up due to new rules coming in, and we believe that even going into 2021, we may have a lower capacity in the halls.
Exactly the same applies to VIP tickets.
Where you have booked a room via the hotel, you will be able to move your room booking to the new dates, however we are still finalising the dates for Chester and Basildon 2021, and should have this information by the end of the week. If you have booked a room using booking dot com or some other third party, you will need to contact them directly.
I would like to extend my heartfelt apologies to those who feel disappointed or let down by my decision, but the scale of what I would have to achieve, the amount I would have to spend, and the uncertainty of the situation really left me no option.
The safety of all visitors and vendors is of paramount importance, and in the current climate, I just can’t guarantee that.
We will be running two more online shows after our August show and have scheduled these for 10th – 12th October, then a Christmas show over the weekend of 28th – 30th November.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support over this difficult and stressful time, and I can’t wait to see you all again in 2021, when I hope that the world will be beginning to return to normal.